Flat foot is a common condition of the structure of one’s foot. It is estimated that over 70% of the population have flat feet or lower arches. This condition occurs when the longitudinal arch of the feet has not developed properly. While this is normal in the case of infants and toddlers, the arch begins to appear as soon as children begin to stand up on their toes and walking. This arch continues to develop with age and by adulthood, most people develop normal arches.
For people with a flat foot condition, it is generally associated with pronation, which refers to the leaning inwards of the ankle bones towards the center line. Most people with flat feet do not always immediately experience any pain. As the foundation of your body, flat feet can indirectly and slowly cause damage to the knees, hips, lower back and spine. If one experiences pain in the foot, ankle or lower leg, the feet need to be evaluated at the earliest.
The condition of flat feet can occur in children when the arches fail to form. Such a deformity can also develop later in life, due to:
When diagnosed with flat foot, the condition must be treated with care. When left untreated, it may lead to severe disability and chronic pain. For proper diagnosis, it is recommended to see a Podiatrist, who will perform a physical exam and then offer treatment options.
In case an arch is formed when standing up, the flat foot condition is considered to be flexible and there is no immediate special treatment required to cure the same. However, if this does not happen, the flat foot is considered to be rigid. A rigid flat foot requires flat foot reconstruction surgery. There are also cases when flexible flat feet cause chronic pain, and one needs to go for imaging tests such as X-rays in order to better determine the cause of the pain.
Still Have Questions? Call us today at 780-488-4844 and we are ready to answer any questions you might have about Flat Foot Treatment Process.
Flat foot reconstruction is a surgical procedure that is performed by an experienced podiatrist to correct the flat foot deformity, correct the foot alignment, create an arch in the foot and eliminate or reduce any pain in the feet. Before going ahead with the procedure of reconstruction surgery, the podiatrist could suggest non-invasive treatments, such as cushioned arch supports, shoe inserts (orthotics), weight loss, or physical therapy. If none of these treatments work, surgery would be recommended.
There are several types of flat foot reconstructive surgery. One commonly performed procedure is an Evans osteotomy. This procedure is done by making an osteotomy (bone cut) through the heel and then sliding the rear foot inwards to create an arch. The bone is fixated with screws. This can lead to a long recovery and is involved. However, there is another, more efficient, procedure known as the Subtalar Arthroeresis. This flatfoot reconstruction surgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. The titanium implant is placed in the naturally occurring space between your heel and ankle bones to instantly realign and stabilize the hindfoot. Once placed, it will allow normal joint range of motion and weight distribution of your body on your feet.
After the successful completion of the surgical procedure, patients are then placed in a walker boot to allow immediate full to partial weight-bearing on the foot. Most patients are back to normal weight walking within a few weeks, but this may vary from patient to patient based on their prior physical condition.
The surgical procedure, when successfully completed will allow people to return to normal level of activity and sports within six months, and usually less. The swelling reduces considerably over this time. When performing intensive activities, it is advised to wear insoles to support the feet. The flat feet condition normalises over the span of a year after the reconstruction surgery and one is able to regain normalcy in the feet. Usually, the upper limb symptoms such as leg pain, knee and low back will gradually resolve.
Why do I need Orthotics after the flat foot correction? Although, you may have what we consider a “normal foot”, the foot still is subjected to deforming and stressful forces when weightbearing on hard concrete surfaces. The orthotics helps to maintain a buffer between the ground and the foot (not just your shoes). Orthotics continue to preserve adequate foot motion, muscle balance and provide preventative care to your foot joints.
Call us at 780-488-4844 to schedule a CONSULTATION and talk to Dr. Chaudhry to find out if Flat Foot Reconstruction Surgery is an option for you.
Dr. Chaudhry is a specialist when it comes to flat foot reconstruction surgery in Edmonton, Alberta. At The Foot and Wellness Centre, Dr. Chaudhry has performed hundreds of these over the years and has had a 98% success rate!
Dr. Chaudhry at The Foot and Wellness Centre is a renowned specialist, and one of the few Specialists providing such advanced services West of Ontario. The choice of treatment might vary from patient to patient, based on their needs as well as their suitability to a particular procedure. We, at The Foot and Wellness Centre, will evaluate your condition and appropriately guide you through the treatment options available.
Dr. Chaudhry is known for his dedication to each patient and as such provides a thorough physical examination of your feet, takes time to understand your medical history as well as suggests diagnostic tests to better understand your condition. Only after proper evaluation do we move towards the treatment for your condition.
Flat feet, if left unattended, can cause a number of complications including misalignment of the foot that can affect the ability to stand, walk or even run.
Request an Appointment today and Dr. Chaudhry will be happy to assist you.
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Wed 9.00 am to 4:30 pm and Thursdays 9:00 am to 3.30 pm. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Closed.
Suite 401 - 7609 109 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 1C3
To know if you are a candidate for flat foot reconstruction surgery